Tongue Twister


Created by OscP26 on 10/4/2024

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My first attempt at a full mega byte deck, it aims to take advantage of early ramp and twisted-6 to deal lots of damage early, then pivots to a slower and grindier gameplan - trying to extract maximum value from your food, then bringing it back again. There isn't room for too much patch removal though, and it also hates going against patch removal itself like Shining Moon Netsuke or other cheap efficient removal.


Start with Burger 808, Sansho and Twisted-6, revealing Burger to go 2nd.

𝗧𝘂𝗿𝗻 𝗯𝘆 𝗧𝘂𝗿𝗻

Turn 1: Use your battery from going second to play Shoyu ROM-In onto Sansho. Depending what deck you are against you may choose to just consume, getting you your battery and 1 damage. If against Shred you may even want to swap in Hungry and Hounds on the first turn to double consume the Shoyu, making sure it isn't wasted. And then if you are against some early patch based strategy I recommend swapping Burger out for Ritz so you get the Syntactic Sugar up next turn.

Turn 2: If following the main route where you just consumed last turn, now is the turn to swap in H+H, and use a battery to set up Twisted Tacos onto Twisted-6 (can you guess why the deck's called tongue twister?!). This allows you to deal a total of 4 damage by turn 2, even 5 if you consume with the Shoyu and crash it at the end of your turn. I would say leave the last consume on Sansho for now though so you can use her next turn.

Turn 3: You can go a few routes here - one of them is Shadow Strike battery Regurgitation, ideally removing 3 byte tokens, one from tacos and 2 from shoyu. This would do 6 damage, and 10 altogether if you consume both of your patches too. So if everything lines up to allow this route, it's likely the best play. But obviously the opponent may damage your twisted to remove the tacos or use patch removal etc. Another option is setting up the Last Byte and just continue consuming. You could battery out the Shadow Strike or Counter Chomp as well, whatever works better.

From there, look to keep up the value by using Second Helping once your stuff crashes out, and Burger 808 is good to swap back in at some point, as you can use his stack immediately.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲

Sansho: Provides early RAM acceleration and outputs a constant stream of small damage. Can Shadow Strike to protect herself whilst consuming, and follow it up with a boosted Regurgitation. This doubles as high damage and keeping your food patches active on the board, so do try and keep Sansho alive if possible, at least for the first 3-4 turns ideally.

Ritz: Mainly a tech and backup plan option in this deck - he can be swapped in early to deal with patch heavy strategies, and also helps to protect your food patches from being removed. He will passively sit with taunt quite often as well, which is just a nice bonus and not very impactful. (Taunt should work against enemy targeting patches with damaging effects too, change my mind!) But overall you're fairly happy if Ritz gets targeted in place of your other characters as he really isn't that important. In a very late game scenario where you ran out of damage the Channel:RAW might pick up your last crash.

Hungry and Hounds: Very important for the deck to run smoothly, she makes the early turns easier with the ambush, and can rapidly put the Twisted Tacos on the board to try and take advantage of them before the opponent can properly deal with them. Then later on she helps get more value from your food by first extending the lifespan and then returning them back from crashed to your characters. This can get messy when facing patch removal though as your patches are often returning to your stacks instead of crashing so be careful.

Burger 808: Helps you to guarantee going second unless it's a mirror match, and gives you something to do in later turns when your characters are suspended all the time. Setting up the cube burger early-ish is a good idea as it ramps up to a surprising amount of damage, and its cost doesn't increase when used by 808 due to the 'can't be modified' clause. Uba Stew is there for more grindy matchups where the healing might outheal their damage per turn, especially combined with lunch break swaps.

Twisted-6: The main powerhouse damage dealer, she is an excellent recipient for the tacos due to her ability. She also helps against early damage with Counter Chomp putting the hurt back onto them, and Hunt the Weak helps hit a few breakpoints as well as being a cheap card if she needs to reset from the consumptions. S.P.4.4.M is a new addition which I haven't tested much, but it's a natural fit with the ability once again, and I've found Twisted-6 doesn't get targeted down too much compared to Sansho and H+H so it may help to finish off the last character needed. Generally you don't end up using her stack too much though so it may not matter in the end.


There's nothing that jumps out to me as an obvious replacement you could make, since I already have all the Mega Byte programs in here anyway, and most changes feels like they hurt the deck more than help it. For sideboarding I've thought about something like Overtoad running a totem, Timber of the Taiga and Winds of Purity - the timber would help with flexibility and you could attach it to Twisted-6 especially to deal 3 damage with the totem up. In that case you break even in terms of damage to RAM ratio, whilst getting the benefit of not being suspended, helping you cycle the hunt the weaks more often. And of course winds would add some more much needed patch removal.

For the other sideboard slot you may consider leaning further into totems, I think Beaches of the Moon would be a really cool, albeit slow, addition to the deck especially. You would unfortunately have to run Yvelette as the other totem carrier which is a bit awkward as another ambusher and a low health one at that. But if you did, she could take another totem, Sunlight of the Savannah and then the Beaches.

Stack 1

Stack 2

Stack 3

Stack 4

Stack 5


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