Polar Rumble


Created by OscP26 on 11/27/2023

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This deck is meant to be played somewhat aggressively, and the main aim is a turn 3 Monarchy's Rumble which all of the characters are built to synergise with. There is a very specific play pattern with this deck so if you never read my guides normally, this is the one to read if ever!


Ezplosio, Twisted-6 and Benobasa. Reveal Ezplosio to more or less guarantee going first. This helps the curve into Rumble go smoothly and you gain the initiative.

𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧

Turn 1: Play Infinite Youth. That's it!

Turn 2: Likewise, play Battery Backpack. If against imminent patch removal there is the option to swap out Twisted-6 after playing the Backpack, allowing you on turn 4 to swap back in, reset with Hunt the Weak, trigger both patches and still play Monarchy's Rumble early. However it may not be worth it to do that, since you could just start using Ezplosio's stack and play Rumble later on.

Turn 3: Play Monarchy's Rumble if all went to plan. Play it on Benobasa usually but if they had been attacking him already then just play it on whatever is going to survive the next turn. (Don't play it on Ezplosio ever unless you are going to use Tear the core on the same turn and move it again.)

Turn 4: Things really branch here. Likely a good play is to Stone hands for 4+3, then move the Rumble to Twisted-6 to play Hunt the Weak - this means if the opponent has a character at 8 health or less you will crash them on turn 4! You always want to end your turns with Rumble safely on a character who will survive next turn.

𝐓𝐢𝐩𝐬/𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐭

This is the important bit! I'll go through each character explaining how to use them and what the synergies are.

Ezplosio works so well in this deck, on multiple fronts. First off she allows you to go first due to having 6 health. Second, her ability makes it a LOT easier for your multi target commands to finish the game very swiftly if it goes off, meaning the opponent will be scared to target her. Third, Polar Flip is here as a one-off use, purely for 5 damage when Yvelette swoops in! In my testing this has been the best use of Polar Flip, as if you lean too heavily into healing then your damage will suffer if they swap out with the Flip equipped or just have patch removal etc. Overclock is also quite important here: 99% of the time you want to play it on Roxie, as I will come to in a moment her stack is made to be overclocked. Tear the Core can be used with the Rumble to do extra damage, but mostly it is a good source of patch removal. A surprising use is if Roxie gets hit with a negative patch you are quite happy to damage her to trigger the character ability.

Coming to Roxie, as mentioned her stack is designed with Overclock in mind. She is a great character to bounce the Rumble between due to Break Beats getting boosted efficiently, and you can just choose not to trigger it on Pyrotechnix until you get back to BB. Pass the Plate is a good cheap way to protect the holder of Rumble, because if they crash you won't really get the opportunity to spend 6 on it again.

Yvelette is just here for Polar Flip. It's really powerful early game to just do 5 damage for 2 RAM, especially since you have good ways to follow up on that damaged character like Hunt the Weak and Hungering Kunai. In testing I haven't ended up using her stack, but she can also make use of Rumble to deal 3 to all enemies and suspend them if the game ends up going later. If Ezplosio crashes as well at some point, this can add up to a lot of AOE damage. Alternatively you can cycle the Sonic Flare for 1 RAM to get to Witch dust if the healing is needed.

Twisted-6 is present because she is the highest health way to carry the brands I needed, so her ability doesn't do anything here. (Although it could reduce damage from an offensive patch). Mainly the ramp is the important part to be able to play Monarchy's Rumble on turn 3. She also benefits from it as a cheap way to take advantage of the damage and move the Rumble around multiple times a turn.

Finally Benobasa is the bearer of Monarchy's Rumble as he should have high enough health to be safe early game. He runs Stone Hands afterwards, which similarly to Break Beats, is disproportionately influenced by the damage buff. Kunai helps finish off enemies that are at awkward breakpoints.

To summarise, the plan is pretty set in stone the first few turns (refer back to Turn by Turn), and then opens out once Rumble is in play. Don't neglect Ezplosio early as the Polar Flip can very quickly crash an opposing character early game by swapping in Yvelette. Usually after turn 4 where you can play Hunt the weak, you want to replace Twisted-6 with Roxie the Mallet, since you want to get her Overclocked relatively early. You can honestly still use her without being Overclocked though. Ezplosio is a bit of a mind game for that reason: the opponent likely knows that characters like 101 and her often carry important cards because the person running them thinks the opponent won't want to target them. I think I designed the stack so that it hits a nice mid point with being useful but not too useful so that it would be bad if she crashed. I would say as long as you play the Polar Flip, you don't feel bad about her being crashed at all. If you pull off the Overclock, nice bonus. Later game you should win very quickly. Imagine a turn 5 or 6 where you have an Overclocked Roxie, you can do things like Break Beats, move the Rumble to Benobasa for Kunai, move it back for Pyrotechnix, it gets crazy fast. A final note is that Yvelette's ambush doesn't have to be used with Polar Flip. The most important thing is that the holder of Monarchy's Rumble doesn't die, so if there is a time where you could heal the current holder for the full 5 then you might want to use the ambush there.


The deck is pretty tightly designed to take full advantage of Monarchy's Rumble, so I don't think many changes are available her without sacrificing the idea of the deck. (It was originally meant to be a Polar Flip deck but now I think Polar Flip works better when splashed into an already functional deck for efficient damage.) Saying that, Tear the core could be replaced by literally anything if you like. I've also considered Dragon Feet in for Kunai to take better advantage of Monarchy's Rumble. Also, Yvelette is fair game to change programs, since she is just in the deck for the ambush.

EDIT: I replaced Witch Dust for a totem because I think it's important to be able to access Winds of Purity more than once.

EDIT 2: I moved Sonic Flare on top because if you need the patch removal urgently you can swap in and reset for 1 RAM to allow instant access to Winds.

Stack 1

Stack 2

Stack 3

Stack 4

Stack 5

The library


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